It sometimes feels like an uphill battle. Increasingly, bloggers, pundits, and talk radio hosts are decrying the “Gang of Ocho’s” attempt at “Shamnesty.” Killing this effort could permanently solidify the Democratic Party’s lock on Hispanic voters, and potentially render the GOP irrelevant.
What is more, a crushing defeat could also sink the presidential prospects of Sen. Marco Rubio, arguably the most eloquent and visionary communicator since Reagan.
But though my friends on the activist Right may sometimes drive me nuts, I’ve never ever entertained the thought of going over to the dark side of the Left. David Brock might have garnered a lot of attention and publicity by switching sides, but for me, the Left is never an option.
This isn’t just because I believe conservatism will lead to a more prosperous and virtuous society, but also because — in the unlikely event either side were to obtain carte blanche authority — the Left scares me more than the Right.
There’s no shortage of examples. Melissa Harris-Perry, for instance, recently revealed a terrifying tenet of the Left, which says our children belong to the collective, not to parents or families. As I wrote, this sentiment was so feared by George Orwell that he included it in both 1984 and Animal Farm. I should have also mentioned Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
Look at extremists abroad: From Stalin to Castro to Chavez, some on the Left have consistently displayed not just a tolerance for heavy-handed authoritarian regimes (as the Right has admittedly sometimes also done) but also an admiration of them.
In recent weeks, some on the Left have mourned the death of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, even while cheering the death of Britain’s Margaret Thatcher. And a similar sentiment was on full display when Jay-Z and Beyonce, perhaps naively, enjoyed Cuban hospitality — without noticing the dissidents or the gulags they conveniently avoided on their vacation.
Unfortunately for the author the Establishment GOP of today isn’t any better. Click below for the full article.